I run clay workshops for adults and children at Base Art Studios and workshops in Taff's Well, South Wales.  The focus of these classes is to develop handbuilding skills through making horses where I can share my research.  I teach a variety of techniques including slabbing, coiling and carving.  Surface embellishment and glazing is developed through studying the history of the horse in ceramics where I give lectures for adults and advanced making techniques. 

Past projects have envolved the local history of ceramics in South Wales, engage children through creating stories with characters from Nantgarw Pottery's past including the boat horses that delivered and transported coal and porcelain along the Glamorganshire canal.  I have experience in teaching a wide range of learners and have been visiting lecturer at colleges and universities across the UK, including Wolverhampton and Pontypridd.

I have also developed schemes of work and sessions for adult learners delivering surface embellishment courses including assessing on BTEC intermediate and advanced awards at WAES, Lisson Grove, London and at Nantgarw China Works, South Wales.   I am passionate about engaging learners with the potential of working with clay and continually updating my own skills through developing research and studio practice. 



Gareth Nash Ceramics
